Program Launched | San Jose

organizations Sep 23, 2013

Just a quick message to say that we went from strategy to execution. A
global program of this kind is not something that you just start with just
some good ideas, a mailing list and a few webcasts. It was much more
complicated, so much in fact that we doubted if we wanted to pull it off.

One issue was simply the fact that Alex is in Scotland and I'm in Norway. We don't see each other face to face very often and it takes time to develop a common understanding that is sustainable for a global project.

This is my third or fourth global project, so yes I know. To create a common vocabulary and market approach, we decided to attend Brendon Burchard's Experts Academy in Santa Clara. He's one of the best. And I continue to write my book with John Eggen, he too is one of the best. On the way we have gotten great insights from many others who have their niches - we are glad we bought their books and programs and followed their webinars!

One insight is that most 'experts' and coaches are...

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